It is important for every business person to improve the ranking and popularity of their website which they use in their business. By doing this, one can easily improve their business, and this automatically leads to better results. There are…
Author: Heba Habeeb
Working as a Linux Server Admin, Infopark, Cochin, Kerala.
What’s New to be Expected from Salesforce DX?
Salesforce, as everyone knows, has introduced a lot of innovative changes to the developers over the past couple of years, and everyone is on the lookout to hear about the latest from Salesforce DX. The latest Salesforce DX keynote also…
Links in Headers Footers Navigation and Content Can Impact SEO
You might have come across this important question in your life more than once. Which link seems to be more valuable? It is the one in the navigation or in the content of your online page? What will happen if…