Dealing Arrays in programming is very important. Lists are very similar to Array concept in programming language. A list can contain any types of variables. This can include variables like, integer, string etc, whatever you wish to add as a…
Administrative tools
Variables and Types – Python
We already started Python and covered some interesting topics! Please read the previous posts before starting with Variables and its exercises. Please refer to this link >> Introduction to Python – Say Hello World! << to get a start up!!…
Sample scripts using Python for Linux SysAdmins – subprocess.Popen
Yesterday, we discussed about the Python module “subprocess” and its classes to manage Linux commands. Before doing the exercises below, I would like to tell you to refer the previous article on subprocess. You will get basic ideas from there.…
More about the Python module subprocess and subprocess classes
The module subprocess in Python
Steps to install crond or crontab on CentOS/RHEL servers, Linux
How to enable Password less authentication in SSH?
SSH, secure shell, is a network protocol used to access remote Linux machine. You can execute commands on the remote server by connecting using SSH protocol. There’re different types of authentication modes for SSH. a) Password authentication b) Key based…