What is SWAP? It’s simply a portion of hard disk, which acts like RAM. It’s used when total amount of Physical Memory is full. If the RAM is filled up and the system requires more memory, inactive pages on the…
Administrative tools
10+ reasons (Advantages) to choose SSD drives over HDD drives – A quick view
Why this topic? Yep, it’s time that we discussed about the SSD drives and its advantages over traditional HDD drives that we are using right now. Almost all data-centers are now replacing their hard-drives to SSD because of its wide…
What is Rsync over SSH? Command for Rsync over SSH?
The Rsync – Remote Sync is a powerful command-line tool in Linux. Normally rsync is used to transfer file from one server(source) to another server(destination). We already discussed the basics of Rsync command and its switches. Please read this for more…
Keep a log for total number of connections to a particular port from Foreign Address
Is there any log entries to find-out directly the total number of connections in server? In some high connection high load servers, this log would be helpful to monitor and tune the server with number of connections on it. We…
Steps to install Rkhunter(Rootkit hunter) on server – Linux
Before starting the Rkhunter installation we must have an idea about the ‘Rootkit’. A rootkit is a stealthy type of software, typically malicious, designed to hide the existence of certain processes or programs from normal methods of detection and enable…
how to change directadmin admin password via ssh
Direct admin is one of the most commonly using control panel in web hosting industry. In this control panel we can set different passwords for SSH root and control panel Admin. How can I access my direct admin control panel?…
How to create Email Account in Webmin.
Webmin is a free control panel for webservers. Here I am explaining the way to create a new email account for a domain under your server via webmin control panel.