Manage passwords using LastPass – Live safely

LastPass? Are there any advantages in LastPass over traditional “remember password” option in my browser?

Yup, that’s the question! Why we need to use the password manager like LastPass. Definitely, it has a lot of advantages over the remember password option in your browser.

This will definitely help you to manage your digital life more simply and effectively as it’s a dedicated password manager for your web browsers.

In this post, I’m explaining the advantages of the famous password manager LastPass.

It’s not only a Password Manager, but also a Auto Form Filler, Random Password Generator & Secure Digital Wallet App. You can install/enable this extension in all web browsers. Please read some interesting advantages of LastPass explained below:

I : This is a Universal Accessible Extension.

You can get your data from any web browsers on any systems with any OS. LastPass support on every mobile devices. This is an added attractive.

You can download LastPass anywhere, login with the same account, and sync your data automatically.

If your system is crashed or your smart phone got any problems, everything you’ve stored in LastPass is securely backed up. And it’ll be accessible from any other browsers with the same login.


II : Security

LastPass built with AES 256-bit encryption, the strongest encryption standard currently available. It never store the master password and the encryption and decryption happens locally.

They always monitor cyber security threats and improving their product with latest encryption technology.

III : Password sharing feature

This is the most attractive feature of LastPass. You can share one site or sync a whole Shared Folder of logins and notes with other LastPass users.

IV : Password generator

By using LastPass you can generate strong, unique passwords simply. Use the shortcut “Alt + g” to generate random passwords instantly.


V : Audit passwords

Audit your passwords with the LastPass Security Challenge, highlighting any weak, duplicate, and potentially-insecure passwords you may have for your accounts.

VI : Secure note

Lastpass stores notes with important information like software keys, memberships, IDs, WiFi logins, and more.

VII : Auto password change feature

This feature change password automatically.

VIII : Form fill feature

Trusted. You can securely enter credit cards as you shop online, with LastPass Form Fill Profiles to encrypt and backup your payment information.

IX : Other security options

You can enable other dedicated security features, like limiting access to specific countries, using a security email address, restricting mobile access, and more.

It’s time that you had a LastPass account to manage your logins..

Go ahead! Live your digital life securely!!

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I'm Ann, a freelancer in web-designing and also I have interest in blogging. I'm glad to be an editor/author at Here, I will post some interesting web hosting + design related topics. Post your suggestions as comment.

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