Load Balancing We all are familiar with the load balancing concept. The idea is simple, just split it down the total traffic to a machine to multiple machines. Depending upon the protocol type which we used in the load balancing…
cPanel is showing invalid login – The IP address is blocked by cphulkd for BruteForce
cpHulk : It’s a Brute Force Protection system in a WHM/cPanel server. By enabling this feature from the WHM we can protect the server from unwanted login attempts. In this article I am explaining the steps to whitelist your IP…
[Solved] : MySQL server has gone away – error while restoring the DB
Managing MySQL server is one of the interesting thing for every sys admins. In this article I’m just sharing a quick fix for the error that I got while restoring the database from its backup file. I hope this will…
Snow city Bangalore – Yeah! Snowing @ Bangalore
Hi dears 🙂 Snow city Bangalore. Yeah, Bangalore is snowing! Are you amazed? We had a weekend trip to Snowcity (Bangalore) during the end of January. Though it had been many months, I would like to cherish few beautiful moments…
0% [Connecting to archive.ubuntu.com] – Ubuntu
apt-get error ubuntu I got one error with “apt-get” command in one of our server which has Ubuntu 12.04 OS. After the Y/N confirmation of apt-get installation command the server went to un-responded state for 4-6 minutes. Error details are pasted…
Softlink and Hardlink in Linux a detailed explanation
Good day techies!!! Softlink and Hardlink. This is essential to know about links (both softlink or Symlink and hardlink) because we are Linux techies.. It’s vital to knowing about how Linux/Unix environment works!! Here I’m explaining both Soft and Hard links…
Find and Kill all Zombie processes running on server
Did you ever notice some processes with status “Z” on your server/system? Find and Kill all Zombie processes running on server. These are Zombies. On this article I’m explaining the ways to find and kill all Zombies on the server.…