The owners of a file/dir under Linux are lisred below: 1, Owner 2, Group 3, Others You can change the ownership of a file/dir by using the ‘chown’ command. Syntax: # chown newowner file/dir Example: [root@localhost ~]# touch crybit [root@localhost…
How to change the group of a file/directory – Unix/Linux
The owners of a file/dir under Linux are listed below: 1, Owner 2, Group 3, Others You can change the group value of a file/dir by using the ‘chgrp’ command. Syntax: # chgrp newgroup file/dir Example: [root@localhost ~]# ll crybit…
How to create a banner/welcome-note for SSH server
We can create banner/welcome-note for SSH server simply by adding a text file in ‘/etc/ssh/’ location which contails the content as welcome-note. Do follow the steps below: Step 1: Create the text file which has your welcome note under ‘/etc/ssh/’…
How to manage SSH permission for custom users under your server
Sometimes it is very useful to manage/assign the SSH authentication to a particular user, Click here for SSH root permission. There are two directives in SSH configuration file to manage the SH permission for custom users, see the directive details…
How to change the shell for an already existing user – Unix/Linux
We can change the shell of a user by using the ‘usermod’ command. Some common types of shells are listed below: > /bin/bash > /bin/ksh > /bin/csh > /bin/sh > /sbin/nologin etc… We can find out the shell details from…
15+ switches of useradd command with example – Unix/Linux
The ‘useradd’ command is used to create a new user or update default new user information under your system/server. Syntax: # useradd [options] NAME Switches of ‘useradd’ command: 1, -b, –base-dir BASE_DIR The default base directory for the system if…
The groupmod command’s switches with example – Unix/Linux
The “groupmod” command modify a group definition on the system. Syntax: # groupmod [options] GROUPNAME Switches with example: 1, -g, –gid GID The group ID of the given GROUP will be changed to GID. The value of GID must be…