The command ‘groupmems’ is used to administrate Linux groups. Syntax: # groupmems -a user_name | -d user_name | [-g group_name] | -l | -p Switches with example: 1, -a, –add user_name Add an user to the group membership list. If…
The groupadd command’s switches with example – Unix/Linux
The “gropadd” is used to create a new group under Linux. Syntax: # groupadd [options] GROUPNAME Switches with example: 1, -f, –force This option causes the command to simply exit with success status if the specified group already exists. When…
How/Command to list cronjobs running under a user – Unix/Linux
We already discussed the details of CRONJOBS. Crontab is the program used to install, remove or list the tables used to drive the cron daemon. We can create individual cronjobs for users under server. Click here for mode details about…
How to reset Litespeed admin password via SSH
How to reset Litespeed admin password via SSH Steps: Log into the server via SSH. If you have installed Litespeed in /usr/local/lsws then you need to enter the directory /usr/local/lsws/admin/misc. #cd /usr/local/lsws/admin/misc Then, execute the following command to change the…
How to create custom php.ini file in a Litespeed webserver
How to create custom php.ini file in a Litespeed webserver ——————————————————— Do follow the steps below to create custom php.ini file: Step 1: Select Litespeed Web Server from WHM > Litespeed Configuration > Admin Console > Configuration > Server >…
[Solved] Memory error with YUM
If you are getting “MemoryError” while doing yum update or yum install ,follow the steps shown below: Solution: # ulimit -a The output for this will be obtained as : # ulimit -a core file size (blocks, -c) 0 data…
How to disable open_basedir in Directadmin server
How to disable open_basedir in Directadmin server I got the following error in one of my websites which seems to be a problem with open_basedir restriction enabled in the server. ———– Warning: file_exists() [function.file-exists]: open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/home/arunlal/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2013/08) is…