How to find the WordPress version from command line

Is there any way to check the WordPress version from the command-line?

Checking version is an important measure for a CMS website owner.

WordPress is one of the commonly using CMS (Content Management System) nowadays. From the WP dash board we can easily check the current version installed. You can check this from “Updates” section under dashboard.


It’s very simple and easy to find the WordPress version from command line. Run the following command from the public_html (or the directory where you installed the WP) of your domain:

# grep wp_version wp-includes/version.php

Please see the sample output below:

root@vps [/home/user1/public_html]# grep wp_version wp-includes/version.php
* @global string $wp_version
$wp_version = '3.8';

That’s it.. 🙂


1, How to reset WordPress admin password from cPanel
2, Top 10 WordPress themes for web hosting companies
3, 10+ WordPress Web-hosting themes and templates – Demo and download

How to reset WordPress admin/users password from Linux command line?

We can change the WordPress users (Admin and other users) password in many ways.

  •  From WordPress dashboard.
  •  Via PhpMyAdmin in cPanel. [Explained above]
  •  From MySQL command prompt.

The first option is simple. If you know the current password go ahead and reset it from WordPress dashboard. This can be done from profile section.

We already discussed the second option. Please see the above link.

Here we go with the third option. Reseting WordPress users password from MySQL command prompt. 

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I'm Ann, a freelancer in web-designing and also I have interest in blogging. I'm glad to be an editor/author at Here, I will post some interesting web hosting + design related topics. Post your suggestions as comment.

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