It’s very important resource usage measure if you are an owner of a shared hosting. Because, in a cPanel server every user can access their on account(Domains) by using the server IP address or hostname if the “Apache mod_userdir” is not enabled on the server. It is serious issue. By allowing IP/~username access method every cPanel users can access their own websites with server IP address or host name. Also, anybody can access their domain by using an another account in that shared server. The disadvantage of this feature is that any bandwidth usage used by this site will be put on the domain it is accessed under or the main server.
For example, consider one shared server with host name “” and the IP address is xx.xx.xx.xx. If the Apache mod_userdir is not enabled in that server all users in that shared server can access their domain by using the server main IP address or hostname or even any other domain in that shared server. That means, a BandWidth misuse will be there if the “Apache mod_userdir” is not enabled on the server.
From the above example;
How to stop and save BW ?
In your server’s WHM, there is an option to stop this type of account accessing. Please do follow the steps pasted below:
Step I : Login to WHM control panel
Step II : Go to:
Home >> Security Center >> Apache mod_userdir Tweak
Step III : Select the “Enable mod_userdir Protection” option
Step IV : Save
That’s it.
Then try to access the website using username, you will get the following error 🙂
404 Not Found
The server can not find the requested page:
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